ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
January 12, 2014
Native Programming
The native programming approach is proposed to raise the readability of the program.
Keyword: Native Programming
I. Introduction
The programmers may have the requirements to write the program in the native language, and change the syntaxes of programming language to become their own writing style.
II. Native Programming
The compilers of programming languages must adopt the Unicode to read the source code, and the English keywords can be transferred by the external locale keywords. The locale keywords should be a file which can be modified by the programmer, and he can adopt the other native words to replace the English keywords. Besides, the syntaxes of the programming language should be defined by a file, and also can be modified by the programmer to adopt their own syntaxes. If the programmers intent to exchange their source codes, they can provide the files of locale keywords and syntaxes to let the compilers transfer the source codes.
III. Conclusion
The native programming approach is proposed to raise the readability of the program.
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
February 8, 2014
Spoken Programming Language
The spoken programming language is proposed to raise the readability of the program.
Keyword: Spoken Programming Language
I. Introduction
The programmers may have the requirements to write the program in the spoken language, and change the syntaxes of spoken language to become their own writing style.
II. Spoken Programming Language
The compiler of spoken programming language must adopt the Unicode to read the source code, and the syntaxes follow the grammars of spoken language to describe the operating procedures. Besides, the compilers allow the programmers should be defined by a file, and can be modified by the programmer to adopt their own syntaxes.
III. Conclusion
The spoken programming language is proposed to raise the readability of the program.
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
February 5, 2014
Theoretical Concepts of the Modularized IDE
The new theoretical concepts of modularized IDE are proposed for the developers to assist the programmers who can develop their programs faster.
Keyword: IDE
I. Theoretical Concepts of the Modularized IDE
The IDE should be easily to assemble the fundamental modules which are written in advance, and actually most of the fundamental functionalities should be stored in the IDE for the programmers, computational modules, database query modules, GUI modules, …, and so on, for examples. The IDE is like block assembly software to let the programmers assemble the modules of the desired software, and the programmers just need to fill the data in the program and control the overall procedures; besides, the IDE must provide the graphic interface to let programmers control the overall procedures, and most of the detail modifications can be operated by the mouse and drag-and-drop function. The source code is managed by the IDE to let it obtain the new make-up automatically, and all of the variables can be shown their values on the mode of debugging.
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
February 10, 2014
Theoretical Concepts for the Standard Library
The theoretical concepts for the standard library intend to reduce the spending time which the programmers develop the same calculating procedures again and again.
Keywords: Compiler, Standard Library
I. Theoretical Concepts
The theoretical concepts for the standard library intend to reduce the spending time which the programmers develop the same calculating procedures again and again, and the compiler, which can be implemented by the C programming language (ISO 1999, Harbison III & Steele Jr., 2002), for example, should at least include the following libraries:
The programmers desire a standard coding style to learn and understand any programming language, and the coding style of C programming language must be established for all of the programmers. When the programmers develop the programs, the Graphic User Interface should be modified by the user-defined header file, gui.h, and its relative C source codes, which can manage the programs easily. Whatever the compiler is open source or not, the programmers just have to care about the header files for the C programming requirements.
The compiler should be a part of the operating system, and actually the so-called operating system is just a small boot program with a numerous system commands. After the boot program is installed in the computer, the programmer can install the compiler to complete the installation of operating system. Actually, the boot program can be implemented by the boot.h of C programming language. All of the commercial or free software can be implemented by the compiler, and the exchange interfaces are also provided by the compiler for the implementation of the other programming languages.
Before the non-standard library whose technology is not mature becomes a part of the ISO Standard Library, the commercial software should adopt its functionalities as far as possible to avoid wasting the development time and cost. If commercial software has to call the non-standard library, the user may download the non-standard library freely to complete the setup procedure of commercial software. The commercial software must obtain the authorization mechanism to use the non-standard library, and the developer of commercial software should pay the royalty to the developer of the non-standard library.
When the ISO adds the new Standard Library, the developer of the non-standard library can sell and transfer the source codes to the compiler developer. Whatever the developers of commercial or free compiler, they can adopt the same way to establish the greatly reusable mechanism for the source codes. All of the source codes are just written once by the developers of the compiler and non-standard library, and the developer of commercial software just needs to write the source codes once, too. Hence, any kind of developers should focus on the refactoring techniques of source codes, and pays more attentions to the technical development of the targeted specific functionality.
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
February 10, 2014
cmhuang programming language
The cmhuang programming language is a very simple programming language.
Keywords: cmhuang programming language, Mathematical Logic
I. Introduction
The present programming languages provide the very simplified syntaxes to make the difficult programming for the software development. The object-oriented programming languages and unified modeling language are adopted to solve such kind of programming problems, but the programmers still must spend much time thinking by their brain for the software development.
The theoretical concepts adopt the advantages of C, C++, Objective-C, Visual C#, Visual Basic, Java, Python, and FORTRAN programming languages, and the cmhuang programming language is based on the C programming language (GNU GCC 2014, Harbison III & Steele Jr. 2002, ISO 1999) to construct the object-oriented thinking logic for the programmers.
II. Theoretical Concepts
In the cmhuang programming language, the fundamental vocabularies are adopted as the keywords, keyin and print as the IO keywords, for examples, and the keywords should not adopt the abbreviation to make the difficulty of memorization as far as possible. The filename extensions may be .h and .cm for header file and source code respectively, and the source code can import the header files, which each one of is an object prototype, to make a new object.
If the object calls a function, the parentheses, (), will still be necessary; however, except some functional syntaxes, while, switch, for, …, and so on, the other syntaxes do not have the requirements to adopt the parentheses. The structural syntax, goto, cannot be adopted to generate the confused procedures, but the pointer, *, should be still adopted to control the low-level memory operations. Although the function pointer has the operational difficulty, the functional syntax has some specific purposes to control the program. Besides, the try-catch functionality should be implemented by the compiler, and can catch the programmatic errors or mistakes.
The dynamic memory should be analyzed and traced by the IDE, and the compiler also can free the dynamic memory during the program running. The compiler can calculate the used times for the variable to find the final one, and the compiler can help the programmer free the memory. Besides, the external syntax, external, can provide the communicative interfaces for the external functions, and the other syntaxes should be simplified from the C programming language as far as possible
Because most of the header files adopt the vocational titles as the thinking logic, the initial values are not allowable set by the declaration. The programmer has the right to request theses persons doing something, and each one of the methods can be thrown to the method of right hand side which can be calculated by the next method again and again. After the compiler finds the final method, the final calculated result will be thrown to the left hand side.
The calculated result of an object may be assigned to the variable of a specific data type, and the programmer may adopt the variant variable, variant, whose actual data type may be trace by the compiler and IDE. Because the IDE of the cmhuang compiler can analyze and trace the data type of any property and method for the object, the IDE can show the correct data type of a variant variable to help the programmer raise the coding speed.
Except the standard libraries, the header file or its relative source codes must adopt the correct data types for the variables to construct the correct object prototype. In the header file, the object prototype can be constructed by the data syntaxes, structural, enumerative, …, and so on, and the inheritance functionality can be implemented by the declaration syntax, import.
The methods of the header file can adopt the same name with the different input parameter quantities and data type combinations, and the compiler and IDE can analyze and trace which one is the desired method according to the input parameter quantities and its data types. By the same principle, the generic programming can be implemented to construct the reusable template, but the functionality is a selective syntax for the programmers in the cmhuang programming language.
Each one of the libraries may include several thousand functions, and should be classified by the fields, methods, …, and so on. In the header file, the comments, /*-1:2:xxxx-*/, for example, can adopt some keywords to classify the targeted methods for the compiler, and the IDE can help the programmer raise his searching speed by the orders. The programmers desire a standard coding style to learn and understand any programming language, and the coding style must be established for all of the programmers.
III. Conclusion
The cmhuang programming language is a very simple programming language.
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
February 11, 2014
Reconstruction of Computer Science
The methodology of Computer Science is proposed to reconstruct the Computer Science.
Keywords: Compiler, Computer Science
I. Methodology of Computer Science
In the academic organizations, the spoken language should be taught by the Professors for the bachelor, master, and doctoral students, and the native programming should be introduced into the spoken languages which are not only based on the American English to establish the world-wide standard of the programming language. In the native programming, the cmhuang compiler can translate the original source codes from the spoken programming language to the cmhuang programming language, and the actual programmer can re-factor the translated cmhuang source codes to raise its quality which may introduce the object prototype, pointer, function pointer, …, and so on.
Actually, most of the refactoring works should be handled by the IDE, and the IDEs in the world must be supported by the limited quantities to reduce the learning difficulty for the students whose major is computer science. Besides, the refactoring works also need to establish the standard procedures, and the implementation of the IDEs in the world should have the same Standard Library to focus on the graphic user interfaces, debug modes of programming, and targeted functionality developments. The Modularized IDE should be adopted to reduce the development time for the programmer, and let the programmer can pay more attentions to the actual theoretical, mathematical, statistical and technical problems.
The Standard Library of cmhuang programming language should be continuously expanded by the International Standard Organization, and the commercial companies and free software organizations can implement the cmhuang compiler with the Standard Library to provide the requirements of the whole world. However, the commercial companies may just provide the .h header files without the .cm source codes, but, of course, it doesn't matter about the software development for the programmer during the compiling processes. The cmhuang programming language should be maintained the original rationale and spirit, and its standard syntaxes can be adjusted by the ISO to fit the programming requirements.
In the compiler implementation, the cmhuang compiler should be written in C programming language originally, and then the compiler developer can adopt the cmhuang programming language to rewrite the cmhuang compiler. After the pure cmhuang compiler is obtained by the developer, most of present libraries can be re-organized to establish the necessary Standard Library which may be written in C or C++ programming languages. All of the header files and source codes should be handled by the modified IDE, and the C and C++ header files and source codes can be re-factored very fast to generate the header files and source codes of cmhuang programming language.
The cmhuang compiler can develop the boot program for the operating system by the header file, boot.h, and the boot program and cmhuang compiler should be the different parts for the OS. If the computer cannot get into the boot to open the OS, the user will just need to adopt the boot program to start the OS without the re-setup of the whole OS. Actually, compared with the cmhuang compiler, the OS is just a boot program, and the cmhuang compiler owns the systematic commands whose header file is system.h to start the running of the whole operating system. In the boot program, the disk partitions should be included during the setup processes, and the working partition, software partition, and kernel partition of cmhuang compiler should be at the different locations with the systematic link to start the software and compile the cmhuang source codes.
All of the commercial or free software, including the non-standard library, should be set in the software partition, and the bottom layer of software should adopt the Standard Library in the kernel partition of cmhuang compiler as far as possible. Besides, the IDE of cmhuang compiler should be located at the software partition, not the kernel partition of cmhuang compiler. Of course, the actual purpose is to reduce the same repeating development, and the whole OS can avoid spending time on the OS re-setup very often. In the operating environment, the account of highest authority can authorize the software permissions, and the systematic operating interfaces have many window modes and shell modes to be chosen by the users; although the networking can provide the on-line update mode, this is just a selective functionality to maintain the systematic stable status. The boot program should be provided by the providers of cmhuang compiler, and the users can download it to reboot the trouble OS easily and find the systematic problems where they are.
The software and kernel partitions should be read only without overwriting the data, but written in the blank sectors of disks which can be scanned by the systematic mechanism. All of the running and temporary data are stored in the working partition, and the account of highest authority holds the software register file in the working partition. The common user can set up the private software in the working partition, and use the software which is authorized by the account of highest authority. In such kind of system environment, the computer viruses are not easy to infect the files, and the user also can adopt two software partitions to store the legal and illegal software respectively. If the software or kernel partition needs be re-set up the software or compiler, the user may adopt the boot program to reboot system and format the targeted partition. Besides, before the boot program loads the working and software partitions, the kernel partition should complete the overall system loading to avoid the systematic attacks.
January 12, 2014
Native Programming
The native programming approach is proposed to raise the readability of the program.
Keyword: Native Programming
I. Introduction
The programmers may have the requirements to write the program in the native language, and change the syntaxes of programming language to become their own writing style.
II. Native Programming
The compilers of programming languages must adopt the Unicode to read the source code, and the English keywords can be transferred by the external locale keywords. The locale keywords should be a file which can be modified by the programmer, and he can adopt the other native words to replace the English keywords. Besides, the syntaxes of the programming language should be defined by a file, and also can be modified by the programmer to adopt their own syntaxes. If the programmers intent to exchange their source codes, they can provide the files of locale keywords and syntaxes to let the compilers transfer the source codes.
III. Conclusion
The native programming approach is proposed to raise the readability of the program.
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
February 8, 2014
Spoken Programming Language
The spoken programming language is proposed to raise the readability of the program.
Keyword: Spoken Programming Language
I. Introduction
The programmers may have the requirements to write the program in the spoken language, and change the syntaxes of spoken language to become their own writing style.
II. Spoken Programming Language
The compiler of spoken programming language must adopt the Unicode to read the source code, and the syntaxes follow the grammars of spoken language to describe the operating procedures. Besides, the compilers allow the programmers should be defined by a file, and can be modified by the programmer to adopt their own syntaxes.
III. Conclusion
The spoken programming language is proposed to raise the readability of the program.
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
February 5, 2014
Theoretical Concepts of the Modularized IDE
The new theoretical concepts of modularized IDE are proposed for the developers to assist the programmers who can develop their programs faster.
Keyword: IDE
I. Theoretical Concepts of the Modularized IDE
The IDE should be easily to assemble the fundamental modules which are written in advance, and actually most of the fundamental functionalities should be stored in the IDE for the programmers, computational modules, database query modules, GUI modules, …, and so on, for examples. The IDE is like block assembly software to let the programmers assemble the modules of the desired software, and the programmers just need to fill the data in the program and control the overall procedures; besides, the IDE must provide the graphic interface to let programmers control the overall procedures, and most of the detail modifications can be operated by the mouse and drag-and-drop function. The source code is managed by the IDE to let it obtain the new make-up automatically, and all of the variables can be shown their values on the mode of debugging.
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
February 10, 2014
Theoretical Concepts for the Standard Library
The theoretical concepts for the standard library intend to reduce the spending time which the programmers develop the same calculating procedures again and again.
Keywords: Compiler, Standard Library
I. Theoretical Concepts
The theoretical concepts for the standard library intend to reduce the spending time which the programmers develop the same calculating procedures again and again, and the compiler, which can be implemented by the C programming language (ISO 1999, Harbison III & Steele Jr., 2002), for example, should at least include the following libraries:
- Mathematician Library (mathematician.h);
- Statistician Library (statistician.h);
- Numerical Simulation Library (engineer.h);
- Commercial Library (manager.h);
- Database Library (database.h);
- Mathematical Library (mathematical.h);
- Numerical Library (numerical.h);
- Network, Parallel, and Distributed Library (network.h);
- Algorithm Library (algorithmic.h);
- Boot Library (boot.h);
- Systematic Command Library (system.h);
- Window Library (window.h);
- Shell Library (shell.h);
- Graphic Library (graphic.h);
- User Interface Library (interface.h);
- Input and Output Library (io.h);
- String Library (string.h);
- Etcetera Library (etc.h).
The programmers desire a standard coding style to learn and understand any programming language, and the coding style of C programming language must be established for all of the programmers. When the programmers develop the programs, the Graphic User Interface should be modified by the user-defined header file, gui.h, and its relative C source codes, which can manage the programs easily. Whatever the compiler is open source or not, the programmers just have to care about the header files for the C programming requirements.
The compiler should be a part of the operating system, and actually the so-called operating system is just a small boot program with a numerous system commands. After the boot program is installed in the computer, the programmer can install the compiler to complete the installation of operating system. Actually, the boot program can be implemented by the boot.h of C programming language. All of the commercial or free software can be implemented by the compiler, and the exchange interfaces are also provided by the compiler for the implementation of the other programming languages.
Before the non-standard library whose technology is not mature becomes a part of the ISO Standard Library, the commercial software should adopt its functionalities as far as possible to avoid wasting the development time and cost. If commercial software has to call the non-standard library, the user may download the non-standard library freely to complete the setup procedure of commercial software. The commercial software must obtain the authorization mechanism to use the non-standard library, and the developer of commercial software should pay the royalty to the developer of the non-standard library.
When the ISO adds the new Standard Library, the developer of the non-standard library can sell and transfer the source codes to the compiler developer. Whatever the developers of commercial or free compiler, they can adopt the same way to establish the greatly reusable mechanism for the source codes. All of the source codes are just written once by the developers of the compiler and non-standard library, and the developer of commercial software just needs to write the source codes once, too. Hence, any kind of developers should focus on the refactoring techniques of source codes, and pays more attentions to the technical development of the targeted specific functionality.
- ISO (1999) ISO/IEC 9899:1999 C Programming language
- S. P. Harbison III, G. L. Steele Jr. (2002) C: A Reference Manual, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
February 10, 2014
cmhuang programming language
The cmhuang programming language is a very simple programming language.
Keywords: cmhuang programming language, Mathematical Logic
I. Introduction
The present programming languages provide the very simplified syntaxes to make the difficult programming for the software development. The object-oriented programming languages and unified modeling language are adopted to solve such kind of programming problems, but the programmers still must spend much time thinking by their brain for the software development.
The theoretical concepts adopt the advantages of C, C++, Objective-C, Visual C#, Visual Basic, Java, Python, and FORTRAN programming languages, and the cmhuang programming language is based on the C programming language (GNU GCC 2014, Harbison III & Steele Jr. 2002, ISO 1999) to construct the object-oriented thinking logic for the programmers.
II. Theoretical Concepts
In the cmhuang programming language, the fundamental vocabularies are adopted as the keywords, keyin and print as the IO keywords, for examples, and the keywords should not adopt the abbreviation to make the difficulty of memorization as far as possible. The filename extensions may be .h and .cm for header file and source code respectively, and the source code can import the header files, which each one of is an object prototype, to make a new object.
If the object calls a function, the parentheses, (), will still be necessary; however, except some functional syntaxes, while, switch, for, …, and so on, the other syntaxes do not have the requirements to adopt the parentheses. The structural syntax, goto, cannot be adopted to generate the confused procedures, but the pointer, *, should be still adopted to control the low-level memory operations. Although the function pointer has the operational difficulty, the functional syntax has some specific purposes to control the program. Besides, the try-catch functionality should be implemented by the compiler, and can catch the programmatic errors or mistakes.
The dynamic memory should be analyzed and traced by the IDE, and the compiler also can free the dynamic memory during the program running. The compiler can calculate the used times for the variable to find the final one, and the compiler can help the programmer free the memory. Besides, the external syntax, external, can provide the communicative interfaces for the external functions, and the other syntaxes should be simplified from the C programming language as far as possible
Because most of the header files adopt the vocational titles as the thinking logic, the initial values are not allowable set by the declaration. The programmer has the right to request theses persons doing something, and each one of the methods can be thrown to the method of right hand side which can be calculated by the next method again and again. After the compiler finds the final method, the final calculated result will be thrown to the left hand side.
The calculated result of an object may be assigned to the variable of a specific data type, and the programmer may adopt the variant variable, variant, whose actual data type may be trace by the compiler and IDE. Because the IDE of the cmhuang compiler can analyze and trace the data type of any property and method for the object, the IDE can show the correct data type of a variant variable to help the programmer raise the coding speed.
Except the standard libraries, the header file or its relative source codes must adopt the correct data types for the variables to construct the correct object prototype. In the header file, the object prototype can be constructed by the data syntaxes, structural, enumerative, …, and so on, and the inheritance functionality can be implemented by the declaration syntax, import.
The methods of the header file can adopt the same name with the different input parameter quantities and data type combinations, and the compiler and IDE can analyze and trace which one is the desired method according to the input parameter quantities and its data types. By the same principle, the generic programming can be implemented to construct the reusable template, but the functionality is a selective syntax for the programmers in the cmhuang programming language.
Each one of the libraries may include several thousand functions, and should be classified by the fields, methods, …, and so on. In the header file, the comments, /*-1:2:xxxx-*/, for example, can adopt some keywords to classify the targeted methods for the compiler, and the IDE can help the programmer raise his searching speed by the orders. The programmers desire a standard coding style to learn and understand any programming language, and the coding style must be established for all of the programmers.
III. Conclusion
The cmhuang programming language is a very simple programming language.
- GNU (2014) GNU Compiler Collection
- S. P. Harbison III, G. L. Steele Jr. (2002) C: A Reference Manual, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall
- ISO (1999) ISO/IEC 9899:1999 C Programming language
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
February 11, 2014
Reconstruction of Computer Science
The methodology of Computer Science is proposed to reconstruct the Computer Science.
Keywords: Compiler, Computer Science
I. Methodology of Computer Science
In the academic organizations, the spoken language should be taught by the Professors for the bachelor, master, and doctoral students, and the native programming should be introduced into the spoken languages which are not only based on the American English to establish the world-wide standard of the programming language. In the native programming, the cmhuang compiler can translate the original source codes from the spoken programming language to the cmhuang programming language, and the actual programmer can re-factor the translated cmhuang source codes to raise its quality which may introduce the object prototype, pointer, function pointer, …, and so on.
Actually, most of the refactoring works should be handled by the IDE, and the IDEs in the world must be supported by the limited quantities to reduce the learning difficulty for the students whose major is computer science. Besides, the refactoring works also need to establish the standard procedures, and the implementation of the IDEs in the world should have the same Standard Library to focus on the graphic user interfaces, debug modes of programming, and targeted functionality developments. The Modularized IDE should be adopted to reduce the development time for the programmer, and let the programmer can pay more attentions to the actual theoretical, mathematical, statistical and technical problems.
The Standard Library of cmhuang programming language should be continuously expanded by the International Standard Organization, and the commercial companies and free software organizations can implement the cmhuang compiler with the Standard Library to provide the requirements of the whole world. However, the commercial companies may just provide the .h header files without the .cm source codes, but, of course, it doesn't matter about the software development for the programmer during the compiling processes. The cmhuang programming language should be maintained the original rationale and spirit, and its standard syntaxes can be adjusted by the ISO to fit the programming requirements.
In the compiler implementation, the cmhuang compiler should be written in C programming language originally, and then the compiler developer can adopt the cmhuang programming language to rewrite the cmhuang compiler. After the pure cmhuang compiler is obtained by the developer, most of present libraries can be re-organized to establish the necessary Standard Library which may be written in C or C++ programming languages. All of the header files and source codes should be handled by the modified IDE, and the C and C++ header files and source codes can be re-factored very fast to generate the header files and source codes of cmhuang programming language.
The cmhuang compiler can develop the boot program for the operating system by the header file, boot.h, and the boot program and cmhuang compiler should be the different parts for the OS. If the computer cannot get into the boot to open the OS, the user will just need to adopt the boot program to start the OS without the re-setup of the whole OS. Actually, compared with the cmhuang compiler, the OS is just a boot program, and the cmhuang compiler owns the systematic commands whose header file is system.h to start the running of the whole operating system. In the boot program, the disk partitions should be included during the setup processes, and the working partition, software partition, and kernel partition of cmhuang compiler should be at the different locations with the systematic link to start the software and compile the cmhuang source codes.
All of the commercial or free software, including the non-standard library, should be set in the software partition, and the bottom layer of software should adopt the Standard Library in the kernel partition of cmhuang compiler as far as possible. Besides, the IDE of cmhuang compiler should be located at the software partition, not the kernel partition of cmhuang compiler. Of course, the actual purpose is to reduce the same repeating development, and the whole OS can avoid spending time on the OS re-setup very often. In the operating environment, the account of highest authority can authorize the software permissions, and the systematic operating interfaces have many window modes and shell modes to be chosen by the users; although the networking can provide the on-line update mode, this is just a selective functionality to maintain the systematic stable status. The boot program should be provided by the providers of cmhuang compiler, and the users can download it to reboot the trouble OS easily and find the systematic problems where they are.
The software and kernel partitions should be read only without overwriting the data, but written in the blank sectors of disks which can be scanned by the systematic mechanism. All of the running and temporary data are stored in the working partition, and the account of highest authority holds the software register file in the working partition. The common user can set up the private software in the working partition, and use the software which is authorized by the account of highest authority. In such kind of system environment, the computer viruses are not easy to infect the files, and the user also can adopt two software partitions to store the legal and illegal software respectively. If the software or kernel partition needs be re-set up the software or compiler, the user may adopt the boot program to reboot system and format the targeted partition. Besides, before the boot program loads the working and software partitions, the kernel partition should complete the overall system loading to avoid the systematic attacks.