According to the suggestion of the DPP and TSU, it's reasonable to change the targeted subject which lets the citizens of the relative regions, the distance 50km from the NPP VI, decide the final decision, and this voting will become a Local Referendum for the citizens in the North Taiwan. How many citizens are there to have the right to vote this Local Referendum in such kind of presupposition? According to the election of the President in 2012, there are 2,102,664(Taipei)+ 3,074,849(New Taipei)+ 302,139(Keelung)+ 1,506,311(Taoyuan)+ 358,059(Yilan)= 7,344,022 citizens who have the right to join this voting.
In the North Taiwan, many workers and students, whose ages are more than 20 years old, do not have the census registers, and the total amount should be not less than 1.5 million people. Because the North Taiwan is the most prosperous region, there are just few original citizens who don't live in the North Taiwan. However, in law, they don't have the right to join the voting, and actually the government cannot provide them the right by any reason. Is it possible solved by the government to get a more correct voting result? No, it is impossible, and the voting result must be accepted by the people who live in the North Taiwan.
As regard to the Article 30 of the Referendum Act, the number of voters must be not less than 1/2, and therefore the adopted standard should reach the number of votes, 3,672,011. If the voting ratio is 75% as the 2012 President election, the actual supporting ratio among the voters should be higher than 66.7% to win the Local Referendum. The real problem of the Referendum Act is the adopted standard, and it almost can affect the final result. Will the KMT and PFP agree to let it become a Local Referendum and change the adopted standard?
Because most citizens do not live in the North Taiwan, they don't nearly care about this issue in fact. Of course, the KMT and PFP should accept the suggestion of the DPP and TSU to let it become a Local Referendum, or the citizens in the North Taiwan cannot make a decision for themselves. However, every city won't agree to construct a NPP, so that it may be a false issue for the present situation of Taiwan. According to the foreign democratic rules, the adopted standard cannot be changed by the DPP and TSU, or the citizens may often propose a Referendum to change any issue easily.
In the North Taiwan, many workers and students, whose ages are more than 20 years old, do not have the census registers, and the total amount should be not less than 1.5 million people. Because the North Taiwan is the most prosperous region, there are just few original citizens who don't live in the North Taiwan. However, in law, they don't have the right to join the voting, and actually the government cannot provide them the right by any reason. Is it possible solved by the government to get a more correct voting result? No, it is impossible, and the voting result must be accepted by the people who live in the North Taiwan.
As regard to the Article 30 of the Referendum Act, the number of voters must be not less than 1/2, and therefore the adopted standard should reach the number of votes, 3,672,011. If the voting ratio is 75% as the 2012 President election, the actual supporting ratio among the voters should be higher than 66.7% to win the Local Referendum. The real problem of the Referendum Act is the adopted standard, and it almost can affect the final result. Will the KMT and PFP agree to let it become a Local Referendum and change the adopted standard?
Because most citizens do not live in the North Taiwan, they don't nearly care about this issue in fact. Of course, the KMT and PFP should accept the suggestion of the DPP and TSU to let it become a Local Referendum, or the citizens in the North Taiwan cannot make a decision for themselves. However, every city won't agree to construct a NPP, so that it may be a false issue for the present situation of Taiwan. According to the foreign democratic rules, the adopted standard cannot be changed by the DPP and TSU, or the citizens may often propose a Referendum to change any issue easily.
- 洪美秀、丁偉杰、林恕暉、蘇永耀、曾韋禎(2013.03.03)正面迎戰核四公投 綠拚修法降門檻、多數決,自由時報,
- 中央選舉委員會(2012.01.14)第13任總統(副總統)選舉 選舉概況,中選會網站,