The culture of night market comes from the mainland China, but Taiwan still has such kind of traditional market until now, the NTNU Night Market, for example. Compared with the NTNU Night Market, the Shilin Night Market is a new type of market for the centralized management. Is it the problem of the shop front? If a vendor has a shop front somewhere, I can make sure that nobody knows where it is. Actually, most of the new stores always advertise where they are, and let the potential customers understand what kind of service or object they provide.
The vendors not only need the customers, but also want to save themselves the advertisement fees. Hence, they find the suitable places to sale their services or objects, and these places always have a great people, University students, and people of the civic center, for examples. Because of that "Like attracts like," the night market is larger and larger to achieve a stable quantity. What is the problem of the night markets in Taiwan? Taiwanese Laws of Urban Planning permit the houses of the residential districts can operate a business, and consequently the night market affects the residents.
Once the Government can enforce the pure residential districts without any business, I think the problem between the residents and vendors can disappear in Taiwan. In the prerequisite, the residents will live in the residential districts, and work in the industrial districts, business districts and agricultural districts. The Government should enforce the zoned districts and its purposes, or the quality of life in the residential districts must be low level. To become a developed country, Taiwan should be geared to international standards.
The vendors not only need the customers, but also want to save themselves the advertisement fees. Hence, they find the suitable places to sale their services or objects, and these places always have a great people, University students, and people of the civic center, for examples. Because of that "Like attracts like," the night market is larger and larger to achieve a stable quantity. What is the problem of the night markets in Taiwan? Taiwanese Laws of Urban Planning permit the houses of the residential districts can operate a business, and consequently the night market affects the residents.
Once the Government can enforce the pure residential districts without any business, I think the problem between the residents and vendors can disappear in Taiwan. In the prerequisite, the residents will live in the residential districts, and work in the industrial districts, business districts and agricultural districts. The Government should enforce the zoned districts and its purposes, or the quality of life in the residential districts must be low level. To become a developed country, Taiwan should be geared to international standards.
- Wikipedia, Night Market,
- Wikipedia, Shilin Night Market,
- 民視新聞(2013.01.13)師大商圈爭議 自救會與協會口角,
- 臺北市議會(2011.07.22)臺北市土地使用分區管制自治條例,臺北市法規查詢系統,
- 黃琴雅(2012.02.22)誰殺了師大夜市!,新新聞,