The official language in Taiwan is traditional Chinese, and most of Taiwanese cannot write or read in English. Taiwan is a small island, so that most of the necessary technologies are just introduced or translated by FEW professional persons. For the other persons, they don't have the chance to elect what they want to see, and therefore they cannot allow the professional persons any error or inaccuracy. English is current primary language for the global people, and I think its effects are still going to continue for a span. Of course, Taiwan has its own technologies, but it's important to choose a language as your second language. Please let "few" become "a few", so that you need to learn your second language. Which language? English, Russian, French, German, Japanese, Arabic, Korean, …etc., for examples. What's the meaning of "for a span"? It means that most Taiwanese shall intend to choose English, and then the quantity shall be fewer and fewer to use English as their second language. United States has the weak economy, so that Taiwan cannot always rely on their current advantageous position of language. I think the best strategy is to disperse to the language learning, and therefore Taiwan can reduce the national risks of foreign language.