ASCE7-16 2﹒3﹒6節
When a structure is subject to seismic load effects, the following load combinations shall be considered in addition to the basic combinations in Section 2.3.1. The most unfavorable effects from seismic loads shall be investigated, where appropriate, but they need not be considered to act simultaneously with wind loads.
Where the prescribed seismic load effect, E = f(Ev, Eh) (defined in Section 12.4.2 or is combined with the effects of other loads, the following seismic load combinations shall be used:

ASCE7-16 2﹒3﹒6節,對於評估水平地震力和垂直地震力,採用複合計算合力的原則在做評估,然而地震波速不一致不會導致此種模式,亦即其相對於地表屬於斜向地震力。
The accidental loads are the additional loads, and the actual values depend on the accidental conditions. Because the earthquake loads and wind loads are almost impossible happened at the same time, the accidental loads are divided into the earthquake load formula and wind load formula.

結構可靠度提及的「the accidental conditions」,指的是偶發載重條件,包括:地震震區、反應譜、設計地表加速度、結構韌性容量、設計風速、地況條件、迎風條件、背風條件...等。其中,垂直地震力在4﹒1節第9式,乃是明確表示垂直地震力是單向考慮的條件之一。E和X同時發生的意思,相當於莫拉克颱風正在發生期間,剛好遭遇到九二一集集大地震,而且專指南投和臺中地區的設計條件。倘若結構可靠度同時考慮E和X,對於此相當微小的載重發生機率,將導致全國結構物忽略經濟性的條件,為此會造成過度浪費結構材料的結果,卻是一輩子都不會遇到此假想設計條件。此條件發生機率,每300萬年會發生1次。



第1~8式 |
第 9 式 |
ASCE7-16 2﹒3﹒6節
When a structure is subject to seismic load effects, the following load combinations shall be considered in addition to the basic combinations in Section 2.3.1. The most unfavorable effects from seismic loads shall be investigated, where appropriate, but they need not be considered to act simultaneously with wind loads.
Where the prescribed seismic load effect, E = f(Ev, Eh) (defined in Section 12.4.2 or is combined with the effects of other loads, the following seismic load combinations shall be used:
ASCE7-16 2﹒3﹒6節,對於評估水平地震力和垂直地震力,採用複合計算合力的原則在做評估,然而地震波速不一致不會導致此種模式,亦即其相對於地表屬於斜向地震力。
The accidental loads are the additional loads, and the actual values depend on the accidental conditions. Because the earthquake loads and wind loads are almost impossible happened at the same time, the accidental loads are divided into the earthquake load formula and wind load formula.
結構可靠度提及的「the accidental conditions」,指的是偶發載重條件,包括:地震震區、反應譜、設計地表加速度、結構韌性容量、設計風速、地況條件、迎風條件、背風條件...等。其中,垂直地震力在4﹒1節第9式,乃是明確表示垂直地震力是單向考慮的條件之一。E和X同時發生的意思,相當於莫拉克颱風正在發生期間,剛好遭遇到九二一集集大地震,而且專指南投和臺中地區的設計條件。倘若結構可靠度同時考慮E和X,對於此相當微小的載重發生機率,將導致全國結構物忽略經濟性的條件,為此會造成過度浪費結構材料的結果,卻是一輩子都不會遇到此假想設計條件。此條件發生機率,每300萬年會發生1次。
- Wikipedia, Seismic wave
- 黃慶民(2016.04.30)地震和颱風不會同時發生的原因,黃慶民土木
- 黃慶民(2016.08.13)小地震遇到小颱風,黃慶民土木