I spent half day to complete a χ2 test for a kind of hydrologic frequency analysis methods, and I also had to use K-S test to analyze it. Actually, there were 5 hydraulic frequency analysis methods at least, so that I thought the best solving approach was to use the computer program. I found a computer program written in QuickBasic, and it had a good GUI of Microsoft DOS. It's worth to be mentioned that the author is a Taiwanese, and its background is originally developed from student homework.
When I was still a student, I had tried to use many computer programs. In Taiwan, the most famous website of computer program collection should be the Slime's first homepage which provides a large number of LEGAL freeware and shareware, and of course it's not easy to avoid the computer viruses to attack your computer. You shall backup your data firstly, and then you can spend your leisure time to try any computer program as far as you can. Whatever any computer program may be, you can use the same way to take it as your tool in the shortest time. After you get a computer program, you should review its GUI menu and help file firstly. In general speaking, you can use some functions without learning, so that you'll spend your time on the other functions.
I always catch the fundamental operational logic, and then I read the help file or technical document to understand its details. It's necessary to imitate the examples, and the experiences are also important for you to operate the computer program. In case you can acquire some real cases from the literatures or internet, it's helpful for you to know how to use the computer program in a specific field.What's the most important matter? I think that you should really understand the meanings of technical document, or you cannot correctly operate the computer program to achieve your requirements. I always read the technical document more than 2 times to avoid the misunderstanding.
When I was still a student, I had tried to use many computer programs. In Taiwan, the most famous website of computer program collection should be the Slime's first homepage which provides a large number of LEGAL freeware and shareware, and of course it's not easy to avoid the computer viruses to attack your computer. You shall backup your data firstly, and then you can spend your leisure time to try any computer program as far as you can. Whatever any computer program may be, you can use the same way to take it as your tool in the shortest time. After you get a computer program, you should review its GUI menu and help file firstly. In general speaking, you can use some functions without learning, so that you'll spend your time on the other functions.
I always catch the fundamental operational logic, and then I read the help file or technical document to understand its details. It's necessary to imitate the examples, and the experiences are also important for you to operate the computer program. In case you can acquire some real cases from the literatures or internet, it's helpful for you to know how to use the computer program in a specific field.What's the most important matter? I think that you should really understand the meanings of technical document, or you cannot correctly operate the computer program to achieve your requirements. I always read the technical document more than 2 times to avoid the misunderstanding.
- T. L. Cheng, Statistical Methods in Hydrology, http://tlcheng.twbbs.org/TLCheng/SmiHydr/index.htm
- Slime's first homepage, http://www.slime.com.tw/