The copyright of cmhuangoffice belongs to I, C. M. Huang, the Chairman, and I forbids anyone to repost or translate the unauthorized articles. Except the authorized translation team, the Chairman forbids anyone to translate the articles in private. The accepted act and convention are including:
All of the laws and rules of Ching-Min Huang Office are produced by me, not any Government. Hence, the governmental laws or rules are free, but it is not free for the Ching-Min Huang Office. The Ching-Min Huang Office is Not a country, and therefore owns the Right of Intellectual Property for its laws and rules.
I take the jQuery technology, and I combine two persons'source codes. One of them is a Chinese, and I adopt his format of the menu. The other one may be an American, and I adopt his JavaScript source code which calls the jQuery library. All of the relative reference data are including:
In order to editor the tables, I adopt the table data of noupe, and refer to w3schools and Furuhata's book. All of the relative reference data are including:
I adopt the equation editor of CODECOGS, and its official website is
Website Functions
Except the articles, menu and equation editor, the other website functions are the Google Gadgets, and these are the functions which are provided by the Blogger.
The copyright of cmhuangoffice belongs to I, C. M. Huang, the Chairman, and I forbids anyone to repost or translate the unauthorized articles. Except the authorized translation team, the Chairman forbids anyone to translate the articles in private. The accepted act and convention are including:
- Copyright Act of the Republic of China
- Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
All of the laws and rules of Ching-Min Huang Office are produced by me, not any Government. Hence, the governmental laws or rules are free, but it is not free for the Ching-Min Huang Office. The Ching-Min Huang Office is Not a country, and therefore owns the Right of Intellectual Property for its laws and rules.
I take the jQuery technology, and I combine two persons'source codes. One of them is a Chinese, and I adopt his format of the menu. The other one may be an American, and I adopt his JavaScript source code which calls the jQuery library. All of the relative reference data are including:
- 绝列(2007.12.12)网页下拉式菜单代码,
- noupe,
- jQuery,
- 陳會安(2012)JavaScript & jQuery網頁設計範例教本,碁峰資訊公司。
In order to editor the tables, I adopt the table data of noupe, and refer to w3schools and Furuhata's book. All of the relative reference data are including:
- noupe,
- w3schools,
- Kazuhiro Furuhata著、徐許信譯(2001.03)最新HTML語法參考辭典,博碩文化。
I adopt the equation editor of CODECOGS, and its official website is
Website Functions
Except the articles, menu and equation editor, the other website functions are the Google Gadgets, and these are the functions which are provided by the Blogger.