About two years ago, I had ever proposed a series of articles about the restricted distribution of electric power in the north Taiwan, and most of my readers thought it was an alarmist talk. Recently, the Taiwan Power Company has pointed out this problem, and it is quite possible to happen in 2019, which the Nuclear Power Plant I & II, Linkou and Hsiehho will have stopped the operations. Of course, the NPP IV has many defects, but the organizations of public welfare must consider how Taipower can deal with this problem. It's not an excuse, but a real situation. The NPP IV should be examined by the international organizations, but anybody cannot question their examining results. However, the real problem is nobody believes the examining result of any international organization, and therefore the NPP IV is quite possible to be dropped by the later referendum in 2014. As everyone knows, the restricted distribution of electric power will come true, and the north Taiwan must prepare the necessary corresponding policy.
- C. M. Huang(2011.07.04)核四不商轉北臺會缺電,Ching-Min Huang Office,http://cmhuangoffice.blogspot.tw/2011/07/blog-post_04.html
- C. M. Huang(2012.10.25)核能發電的是與非,Ching-Min Huang Office,http://cmhuangoffice.blogspot.com/2012/10/blog-post_25.html
- C. M. Huang(2012.10.25)核能發電的是與非II,Ching-Min Huang Office,http://cmhuangoffice.blogspot.tw/2012/10/ii_25.html
- 林毅璋、劉力仁(2013.01.29)台電嗆不商轉恐限電 學者斥恐嚇,自由時報,http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2013/new/jan/29/today-p2.htm
- 李欣芳、陳慧萍(2013.01.29)反核四公投連署 呂號召10萬人上凱道與馬對談,自由時報,http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2013/new/jan/29/today-p1.htm
- 李書璇(2013.01.29)朱立倫重申尊重反核公投 民進黨要求朱用行政權阻擋核四,中廣新聞網,http://news.chinatimes.com/politics/11050202/132013012901203.html
- 蔡雅瀅(2012.10.04)打破缺電神話 除役核一二,蘋果日報,http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/headline/20121004/34551324/