Taiwanese TVE deletes most of the fundamental courses in the senior high school stage, which are not the professional requirements of the target major, and let students pay all of the attentions on the professional courses to raise the professional capability. Compared with the foreign HE Systems, Taiwanese TVE System is a Special Higher Education System, and therefore Taiwanese TVE students cannot fully satisfy the industrial requirements. In Taiwan, the professional techniques and skills are organized to become the professional courses, but the training time is not enough to let students achieve the proficient level. Besides, the school training cannot satisfy the industrial requirements, and therefore it means students need the practical training in the cooperative industrial companies.
- 李碧蓮(2013)【願景工程‧搶救人才】從德教育雙軌制 看台灣技職體系,壹電視,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Me0BnzrcI40
- 李碧蓮(2013)【願景工程‧搶救人才】澳技職教育 TAFE學徒帶薪學技術,壹電視,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMeA7aVzRsY