Why does your country have to reduce the nuclear weapon? If the nuclear war is happened one day, the damage can be reduced as lower as possible. How many does the quantity of nuclear weapons be suitable for a country? For the nuclear weapons, I think they can be reduced to the quantity, 80, for a country to prepare the world war. Many countries may think the quantity is not enough for the world war, but I think they shouldn't understand how to use the nuclear weapons effectively. This is not only a national security problem, but also a trust problem for the whole world.
- DAVID E. SANGER(2013.02.10)Obama to Renew Drive for Cuts in Nuclear Arms, The New York Times, http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/11/us/politics/obama-to-renew-drive-for-cuts-in-nuclear-arms.html?_r=0